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Why I love November in San- Francisco

  • Ariel Assaraf
  • October 30, 2017
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I love San Francisco, I love being in a city so diverse and so passionate about tech, I love that the first billboards you see at the airport are of cloud services and online meeting platforms, and I love the fact that most major tech conferences happen here within the 70 miles of the bay area.

What happens on November is even more extreme than any other month in the city, especially for a dev/data/ML fan like me.

Over 10 big conferences and events, all in the same 2 weeks, turn the city into a boiling scene of announcements, launches, and of course, developers, operations managers and data scientists.

This year, I have decided to enjoy all the rides and split my time to try and visit at least 4 of my top 6 conferences, so if anyone is going to attend one of the conferences in the list below, feel free to contact me by email or Twitter ([email protected], @arielassaraf, @coralogix)

My top 6 are: 

  1. Cloud Expo Santa Clara – with over 120 tech speakers about DevOps, Microservices, AI, Big data analytics, and machine learning, Cloud Expo is one of the biggest conferences for cloud which is not linked to a single vendor, I would probably visit some keynotes about new trends in the world of big data analytics and on serverless architecture.
  2. Dreamforce San-Francisco – Dreamforce is famous for being a huge conference for salespeople, but since Salesforce acquired Heroku in 2010, the Dev part of the conference is growing big, I will surely attend the Heroku developers party on the 6th of November.
  3. Lisa – large systems system administration – this huge sysadmin and operation managers conference is happening for the 31st time, a great opportunity for me to visit and see what are the new trends in this market. Also, Damon Edwards’ keynote “Failure happens” seems pretty interesting.
  4. Swift summit – the largest conference for Swift developers will include some interesting talks this year from the Swift core team developers and other Swifters from Google, Facebook, Tinder and more. I will probably visit Ryan Nystrom’s lecture “Insurance for Apps: How to avoid risk and bugs”
  5. ML conf 2017 – as a Coralogixer, this conference has a special appeal to me, with some great keynotes and lectures about the latest trends in machine learning. There are many talks which I am going to attend, but my personal favorites are from Anima Anadkumar from AWS on “Large-scale Machine Learning: Deep, Distributed and Multi-Dimensional” and Suneel Marthi from Red Hat on “Deriving Actionable Insights from High Volume Media Streams”.
  6. Global Big Data conference – a conference in the form of a 3 day Big Data bootcamp, it’ll be hard to only handpick a few of the sessions, but if I’d have to, I’d go for “Data Science with R & Python Workshop” and the “Architecting a next-generation data platform” workshop

Goals for the next 2 weeks:

  1. Participating in talks and workshops: At some point being hands-on becomes impossible as an entrepreneur, this is a great opportunity to brush up some skills.
  2. Meet interesting companies: To learn from their experience with data analytics and ML, and of course, share some of my experience here at Coralogix.

So enjoy the Disneyland of geeks and let us know if you are around and want to meet and ask me anything regarding data analytics, monitoring, pattern recognition and large scale Elasticsearch clusters.


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