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Coralogix Blog Archive: Security - Page 6

Writing Effective Suricata Rules with Examples [Best Practices]
8 min

Writing Effective Suricata Rules with Examples [Best Practices]

This post will help you write effective Suricata Rules to materially improve your security posture. We’ll begin with a breakdown of how a Rule is constructed…

The Cloud Network Security Gap
13 min

The Cloud Network Security Gap

Before we dive into the gap in cloud network security, let’s take a step back. If you’ve been in Operations for a while, you might remember…

Elasticsearch Vulnerability: How to Remediate the Most Recent Issues
6 min

Elasticsearch Vulnerability: How to Remediate the Most Recent Issues

An Elastic Security Advisory (ESA) is a notice from Elastic to its users of a new Elasticsearch vulnerability. The vendor assigns both a CVE and an…

How SIEM is evolving in 2020
8 min

How SIEM is evolving in 2020

The evolution of Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) is deeply intertwined with cloud computing, both in terms of technological breakthroughs the cloud provided and from…

Using Auditbeat to protect your critical infrastructure
10 min

Using Auditbeat to protect your critical infrastructure

What are Beats Beats are lightweight, purpose-built agents that acquire data and then feed it to Elasticsearch. Beats use the libbeat framework that makes it easy to create…

Does Complexity Equal Security?
8 min

Does Complexity Equal Security?

“Teacher somewhere in India: The world you see is supported by a giant turtle. Student: And what holds this giant turtle down? Teacher: Another giant turtle,…

Does Open Source Equal Free?
12 min

Does Open Source Equal Free?

Open source tools have been gaining momentum in recent years, largely due to the contribution of several factors, including improved user interfaces, the inability of commercial…

Achieve better AWS security with just 10 Cloudtrail logs alerts
5 min

Achieve better AWS security with just 10 Cloudtrail logs alerts

CloudTrail logs track actions taken by a user, role, or an AWS service, whether taken through the AWS console or API operations. In contrast to on-premise-infrastructure…

Observability and Security
that Scale with You.

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